Meet The Inspirer


My name is Darla. I was born, raised and currently reside in the Chicagoland area of Illinois.

I am also within the social services field with experiences within alcohol and drugs counseling, treatment for women with various issues along with currently working with young teens that have been rescue from sex trafficking. During my various roles and current role it has allow me to impact individuals lives where at moments all they see is grey. Including, I'm a Assistant Pastor for the deaf, hard of hearing and hearing of Praetorium Deaf Church of Chicago where I love sharing my faith and uplifting others.

I love empowering, equipping and inspiring others to let them know that their circumstances doesn't define or the stigma place upon them of who they are as individuals. I LOVE to INSPIRE...

I've always had a thing for fashion as long as I can remember...which led me to create unique t-shirts along with other novelties, couturier for other "INSPIRERS and FAITH BASE" that wants to make a impact by showing it off with dainty sayings/phrases that can make someone go hmmm...

My mission is to provide quality t-shirts along with different novelties that appeal to females that appreciates her gift that is unlocked within and ready to inspire others. My designs are for every woman regardless of your occupation....BE INSPIRED...